Thursday, 30 August 2012


We get them over and over again.Nothing helps against them; a 'real' job: they multiply, 
 kids: they make them worse, oooh school is taking sooooo long, 
and the most recent one: when I win the lottery I will never go to school again but 
we will travel and travel and travel for ever (dancing and singing her way home),
not even vaccinations stops them (although scaring the bejesus out of 

the middle one in the family).
Well and to be honest we actually like them so nothing else 

to do than feed them and start planning** !
Were do we want to go? 
- somewhere with mountains 
- somewhere we don't need any vaccinations
- New York (Empire State of Mind is to blame)

- a country on a continent we never have been.
And so we agreed on Peru and flying out of Argentina, 
well two out of four got what they wanted.... 
Next step vaccinations and buying a ticket.

* not to be confused with the geocaching travelbugs, although we too wander around the world.
Although the idea to be picked up and brought to an other destination doesn't sounds to bad either!
But as a chronic travelbug disease: a long-lasting condition that can be controlled but not cured.
** planning as in deciding on a travel destination and booking a flightticket, getting visa's and valid passports 
and in rare occasions we read or ask a little bit around before we go.